A curated list of the weeks most interesting cigar stories.

Cigar lovers from around the world have branched out, turning away from Cuba to other brands and areas in the Caribbean and Central America. Once such company is Gurkha Cigars. Established all the way back in 1887, Gurkha Cigars has been producing some of the highest quality (and most expensive) cigars on the international market.
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Premium Cigar Accessories from Conocedor
Conocedor, which means connoisseur in Spanish, officially launched just over a month ago after spending a year prototyping products and other foundational work. The company offers unique premium cigar cutters and intricately designed humidors.
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Icon - Jimmy Howard
In the 1950's Jimmy Howard raced around dirt ovals in a car he built with his own hands, a cigar clenched in his teeth and head out the window, squinting through dust clouds to the checkered flag.
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